We know you like your kids and we do too, that’s why safety is our top priority!

All players had brand new equipment for the 2019 season and equipment will be regularly monitored and replaced as needed.   Equipment upgrades are now an option.  If you want your player to have a specific helmet, let us know and we’ll work it into your registration fees.  

We’ll keep an eye on your coaches.  ALL coaches will have background checks and follow the same certification requirements as Utah high school football coaches.  

We make football more fun and educational for your x-men!  Part of preparing your player for high school is teaching them how to "play in space."  We allow all players, no matter their weight, to play any position on the defensive side of the ball.  Offensive players who can advance the football will be restricted to an x weight.

 We have a Freshman program!  We want your 9th grade player to practice with your high school team and learn their system.  Several High School coaches around the valley support our program and want our players to have a smooth transition into their systems. 

 Their bodies aren’t the only thing changing, now your 8th and 9th grade players will play on full size fields and play with the kicking game in mind to prepare them for REAL football.  (If scheduling allows, 7th grade teams will play on full sized fields as well) 

 Can’t make a game?  Track it with our parent app to check in on the status of the game. 

 You’ve managed being a parent long enough to have a child old enough to play football, we’re guessing you could have some valuable feedback.  We care about your opinions and WE’LL TAKE YOUR CALL.  Please share them with us!  

 We’ll put together the most fair and competitive schedule we possibly can.  No one likes to be on either end of a blow out, we’ll do our best to get the schedule right and if necessary, change things around if we miss something prior to the season starting.  Obviously we aren't perfect, but we care and do our best to make it a good experience.  

 Your kids will have the opportunity to play teams across Utah & Idaho with a multi-state championship is in the works.  

 Sick of hearing your cousin brag about how good their football team is in another state?  Your team will have the option to play in post season, out of state tournaments.  The MFC has the Utah Charter with AYF and has had teams compete in the National Championship in Florida. 

 Playing with friends is always more fun.  We will strive to keep our teams together as much as possible.  We believe doing so helps strengthen the bond built by the game and also allows the teams to get better each year. We will do everything possible to limit game suspensions for players. If there is an ejection, we have an ejection review process in place who's goal is to educate players and keep them on the field.

 “Red shirting” is for college, this is football for kids.  If you decide to play in another conference, we’ll welcome you back with open arms when you decide you like us better.   

 Parents are passionate about youth sports, sometimes too passionate.  If you do something “un-parentlike” we won’t punish your kids for your behavior.  Parent actions will not result in player ejections.


You’re a volunteer!  We will treat you with respect.  

If you want to watch film as a team outside of practice…GO FOR IT, we won’t penalize you or your players. 

A committee will consider any appeals to rejected background checks contested by a coach to assure a fair outcome and safe coaching staffs. 

 We will do everything possible to limit game suspensions for players. If there is an ejection, we have an ejection review process in place and we will communicate with you throughout the process. 

If you have frustrations with how things are going we'll listen to your feedback and give you tools to help you help your players. 

We encourage off season training, we want you and your players to bond, get better and stay in shape.  

We want you to score as many points as you can, so long as sportsmanship is in place.  We certainly won’t punish you for good offensive football.  

Our league encourages competition, if as a coach you let your competitive spirit get in the way of acting like a responsible adult, we will do our best to not take you away from your team for multiple games.  Let’s handle it like adults and make sure you lead your team appropriately in the future.   

We’re all about building a sense of community, not a hostile environment.  

We’re trying to build a bridge between youth football and high school football coaches.  We’ll encourage you to become familiar with your high schools terminology and get to know the coaching staffs so you can better prepare your players to play for your high school team.   

We’re working daily to ensure you play teams from all over the State of Utah and a true State Championship is in the works. You now have an affiliation with a national organization.  This gives you access to play teams from around the country in out of state tournaments, should you have the desire to. 

8th and 9th grade teams will now play REAL football on high school fields and kick the football. (If scheduling allows, 7th grade teams will play on full sized fields as well) 

You’ll be able to provide your players with a smooth transition from little league to high school football.  

You’ll have flexibility with filming games.  If you want to have a team photographer inside the ropes go for it!


Let the Districts decide what is best for the kids – your opinions are welcomed, listened to and respected.   

The size of your Districts number of kids in the age groups will be taken in to consideration when your schedules are made. Every district is different and has different needs.  Let’s work together as members of a  conference to make sure each districts experience is what it should be to encourage a positive experience for the kids you’re volunteering for.   

You will be given support, direction and help in running your District should you want it. 

The Mountain Football Conference will answer your calls/emails in a timely manner, and we promise to give you the courtesy of a response

We will lend support to our Presidents, Board members and coaches when you want it.  

You are a volunteer, we will respect your time and hold meetings when they’re necessary. 

Ever heard of Venmo, PayPal or Square?  We will use modern technology to make your lives easier. 

Sometimes difficult conversations need to be had with parents and coaches.  We’re happy to help with those conversations if you would like us to.   

If you ever decide to leave our conference we won’t threaten, sue or defame you.  We’ll wish you the best and hope you’ll find your way back to play with us again.  You’d better believe we’ll try to fix whatever you think went wrong.